Today's outfit and hairstyle

French twist.

One can never have to many hair scarfs

Today's hairstyle and outfit 27/05-20

I thought that this PalosPelos hair stick, looked good with my selfmade flexi.

Braid waves
These are the braid waves that I got from wearing my scarf braids for more than 24 hours.


Brushed with a boar bristle brush.
I think that the waves looks very nice!
DIY. Make your own Aloe Vera gel
Aloe Vera is a great humectant. (Humectants helps to draw moisture into the hair and skin. Moisture is water and all moisturizers works like this.)
I've been making my own Aloe Vera gel for a long time and it's an important part of my hair care routine. I use the gel as it is, or in a detagnling spray.
You need:

- One or a few Aloe Vera plants (aloe barbadensis. I have several, so I'm never running out of leaves)
- A potatoe peeler
- A teaspoon
- A blender
- Something to strain the gel with
- A jar or a bottle
- Optional: vinegar, distilled water, rose water
How to do it:

- Cut off a few leaves.
- Let them "stand" for a few minuters, to allow the "yellow liquid" to escape.

- Peel of the flat part of the leaves

- Remove the "flesh" with a teaspoon

- Blend it
- You can add distilled water if you want more of a liquid, or rose water if you want it to smell nice
- For longer storage you can add a few drops of vinegar. (I like to add apple cider vinegar. It makes the gel stay fresh longer and is beneficial for both the hair and the skin.)

- Strain it to get rid of any chunks (the foam will disappear).
- Store it in the refridgerator
- It stays fresh for 1-2 months in the refridgerator

- Apply it with a spray bottle or with your hands to your hair, scalp or skin.
I use it to moisturize, add shine and slip to my hair, tame braid shread and to reduce tangles. I use it a few times a week followed up by an oil and around once a week to my scalp, by massaging it in.
Today's outfit
I really do like the scarf braids down too!

New tutorial!
Here's a tutorial for the Firda Kalho braids!
Please let me know what you think and please share if you try it!
Today's hairstyle 22/05-20 Frida Kahlo braids

I'll make more serious braids some day and just wear it like this! It looks nice on its own.

New video!
This has been requested for a long time! I've finally made a video on how I tie my hair scarves!
Sorry for the format.
Hair, hair, hair
I took a walk while waiting for my hair to dry.

Yesterday's outfit

Today's hairstyle 19/05-20
Since yesterday's outfit got people thinking about the apocalypse. I thought that I'd make an apocalypse friendly hairstyle today.

So I'm an armed, apocalyptic pirate, ready for zombies???

Today's outfit 18/05-20

And the shoes that I bought today!

Today's hairstyle 15/05-20 Rope braided cinnabun

Today's hairstyle 11 Today's hairstyle 13/05-20 Coronet braid

This hairstyle is perfect for working out, but also looks fancy.

And it's of course very comfortable!
Today's hairstyle 11/05-20 Double buns

My gardening and some more. Part 1
This year, a lot is happening around here! Let's start with some plants and preparations in this first part.

First, there was a lot of weed to remove, before I could plant anything here.

I dug up the weed and added some fresh soil.

I aldready have some spice and lavender there. I added some pansies, bit I still havent decided what flowers to plant in the next row.

Some flowers and rosemary.

Lavender and "lemon thyme". I have moved some of the plats since then, since our garden looks different now. I will tell you about it in part 2.

Since my father is also our neighbour, we share a greenhouse. From left to right: chili, three different types of peppers, three different types of tomatoes and two different types cucumbers.

Last year, I lost the battle against the weed. So this year I've done my best to minimize it.

After planting carrots from regular seeds one year, I'm never doing it again! It so much easier this way, as I don't have to remove lots of carrots, once they start to grow.

From left to right: potatoes, carrots, lettuce, sugar snaps and strawberries. I still have some space left.
That's it for the first part! Next part will be less plants and more about the transformation of our outdoor space.
Today's hairstyle. 08/05-20 Neoma knot bun

Neoma knot bun with a selfmade flexi and a TT hairstick.