Celtic knot bun

Since I have an inflamed knee and can't work out or do much fun things, I may as well spend time on doing other hairstyles than the ones I always do.
Today's Tatsilus bun

A modified version of an Amish bun

My hair has gotten too long for the original version, so I pull the braids through the top loops twice.
And I added a hair sword because I can and to impress my nephews.
A braided bun

Happy new year!

I'm only covering my face to force my phone to focus on my hair.

Late Christmas pictures
I became sick afterwards, but here's my hair and outfit from Christmas.

Another Christmasy bun

December hair

We don't put up any Christmas decorations at home. But I do in my hair for work. It makes other people happy to see it.
A friend braided my hair yesterday

And the not so serious pictures...

Happy Halloween

Nothing exciting this year.
Neoma Knot Bun

Today's hairstyle

Two French ropebraids pulled through the braids like shoe laces and pinned into place.

A friend braided my hair today.

Steampunk in September
I never shared any pictures here from the steampunk fair I visited in September with two friends.

Doing hair and make up.

And this happened to both my shoes on the way to the fair...

Pictures from M'era Luna
Last weekend, I visited M'era Luna in Hildesheim Germany, with a friend.

17 years of growing my hair
Another year has passed and its time for another anniversary!

I cut all of my hair to the same length (around 0,5 cm, so a little shorter than in the picture), but kept bangs to have less of a buzz cut. But since I hate having bangs, I soon cut that off too.

Back then I used a really dull scissor to cut my hair and would continue to do so for years. My poor hair!

Don't ask me why, but I bleached my hair... Above is the "carrot phase".

Blond and abused hair.

Of course, I soon missed having black hair.
Even if you can't see it, I still hadn't found any hair products, that my hair really liked. And my scalp was a flaking itchy thing.

I decided to, for the last time in my life, bleach my hair, before dying it red and then go back to black once and for all. And thus the "carrot phase" again.

I also used to let a friend heat style my hair and I was still in the search for products that my hair really liked.

I really enjoyed red hair, but what a hassle to keep it red!

Before my elbow surgery, I had to wash my hair with disinfection. Other than drying out my hair, it also washed away most of the colour.

Before jumping in to the shower to do my first conditioner only wash. This is where I finally found something that actually worked for my hair and scalp.
Even though I've switched products, I'm still CO-washing today and never use shampoo.

This is what my natural hair looked like, after a year of CO-washing and when most of the bleach had been cut away.

I decided to never again use chemical dyes and wanted to be a henna head for a while, before starting the process of getting it black with indigo.

The process of getting it black. It took some time and effort, but it was worth it. Also, my hair finally started to get longer for real, now that I no longer mistreated it.
You can read about my hendigo journey here

Black again.

Having kept up with some heavy S&D and minimal trims for years. My hemline was starting to fairytale

My thin ends reached knee by the end of 2020. The ends were actually thinner than you can see in the picture. I began to maintain at knee.

The ends were still thin, but the thickness was traveling down, since I was maintaining at knee.

Since nothing had happended lenght wise, I wentwith a more "fun" picture for 2022. As you can see, my ends were still quite thin, but thicknes was traveling down and was visible despite the eight braids in my hair.

Since my last anniversary, I've switched maintaining to microtrimming. Meaning that I cut away around half of what I gain every month. This allows my hair to get longer, while still allowing thickness to travel down.
I'm now at calf length (137 cm) with my thin ends. I don't think that I will get a thick hemline at this length, but thickness is still traveling down.

I believe that getting long hair is only part of it. Enjoying the journey and having fun along the way is even more important!

Although my hair would have been a lot longer, if I would have taken as good care of it all the way, as I'm doing today. I have no regrets! I had a lot of fun trying different colors and doing stuff with my hair!

And now I am having fun with different updos and hair toys.

I will continue to have fun with my hair and I hope that you will too!
Viking Fair

A four strand braid, made from one Dutch braid, two English braids and six lace braids.

Happy Saturday

Today's outfit and hairstyle

Today I attended a cousin confirmation and birthday party.

I have a different fan for every outfit and they're great in this weather.

Before putting on the dress
Dutch braids and double buns