Happy Saturday

Merry Christmas!

These were the only ones who wanted to dress up for you.
More ducklings!

15 more to be precise. Tjäderhönan hid her eggs, so that we had to bring them and her home from a neighbour.

And I wasn't able to steal any of her eggs. So 15 ducklings and they take after their mother and bully their older half siblings.

So cute!

Moms feathers are cozy.

Yesterday Snövit got six little ducklings!

Kalle is a happy dad!

She took them for a water introduction in the stream, soon after they were born.

Kalle is a great dad and guardian his family.

And later they got into the pond.

Hair and outfit for a festive occasion

And carrying ducks in heels once I got home.
Christmas pictures - The animals

Long time no duckies!

Project duck - Spoiling them...
Reading about ducks, it's mostly about keeping them alive for food. Little about spoiling and entertaining them. We want them to be happy.

Here's their latest "toy"...

Historically inspired hairstyle and pet cuddles

I have a parrot?

Merry Christmas!

The ducks are social

This morning they tried to visit my brother who lives in the same building. Then we hung out in my garden.

This afternoon the went up again to see if any of the neighbors wanted to hang out with them.

I brought them with me, to my garden and the closest neighbors, where my father was installing a lamp.

The neighbor gave them tomatoes.

Where there's people and activity, there will be ducks!

Then they checked out the other side again. Chased a cat and one duck got tired. When I went ins, they all flew home.
Weeding with the ducks and hot carrot soup

I picked carrots today and the ducks came running. So I ended up doing some weedeing, so that they could eat some worms.

One duck gets angry when I'm too slow. So she gets a time out in my lap until she calms down, when it happens.

Lots of home grown chili too.

Time for some duck pictures!

Just some duck pictures

Cleaning the pond

The duck pond was full of leaves and feathers.

So I took two layers of thick steel wire and sewed a net around it.

I took my fathers broken rake and attached it there, with some tape and wire.

The ducks were slightly offended by me bringing a bucket, without any food.

And to make it worse, I didn't wait for them to be done with it, before emptying leaves and feathers in it.

But it was still entertaining to see their human work for them.

I had to stomp the leaves down several times for them to fit. But now the pond is clean for at least a few hours!