I might get back to blogging more this year
I'm a member of a few online communities. Long hair community is one and I love it! It's my favourite!

And then there's a Swedish one that I've spent years on. One thing that I've done is writing several articles on hair topics.
But lately that place has become very toxic and the owners hasn't been behaving...
I've been there for so long, made friends and shared so much, that I'm not ready to leave yet. But for the moment I will be less active there. A lot less active.
And so I might take up blogging more again instead. I will for sure translate and share some of my articles with you here instead.
If I can get my editing program in order again, I might take up YouTube more too.
In general I hope that I will have more time and energy for my hair and creative stuff this year. 2022 wasn't the best year for me.
But yeah I'll probably breath some life into my blog again!
Anything you want to see here?

And here's some hair content! It's been such a long time since I last made an Amish bun, that I had to pull my hair through the last loop an extra time, to use up the length.

Christmas - Hair and outfits

For the 24:th when we celebrate Christmas in Sweden, I wore a selfmade dress.

And loose hair.

My family though that I looked like a queen in my dress. And my oldest nephew was impressed by my dress and wondered where I got it. He was shocked to learn that I made it myself.

The 25th. Some yoga before getting ready to celebrate with the inlaws.

Two French tope braids a flower and a hair bead.

Very colourful!

Ducks and cat in the snow

Hair horns

This is why I made myself horns. I wanted to do hair horns!

Halloween is getting closer and I made myself horns

Steam Punk fair

Medieval fair hairstyle

I made a hairnet with beads and used the leftover ribbon from when I uptaded my dress.

Viking fair

Today's outfit and hairstyle

Hairstyle and outfit from Saturday

Today's hairstyle

Happy Easter!

In Sweden, easter is when witches are said to fly to Blåkulla. Often with a black cat. (Mine said that they would stay and watch our home this year.) And children of all genders dress up like "påskkärringar". The meaning is pretty much "easter bitches". That's witches in head scarves, skirts/dresses and usually with red cheeks. And then they walk from door to door asking for candy.

In Sweden easter is a lot bigger than Halloween! And we also decorate stuff with feathers and paint eggs.

What Easter traditions do you have in your country?
Happy Easter!
People have been going on about me needing easter decorations and how easter feathers is a must.

There's feathers everywhere where the ducks have been. But what am I meant to decorate?
Must be the easter witch!

Spring braids

Today's hairstyle and outfit
Hair and outfit for my father in law's birthday party.

New YouTube video - Victorian inspired hairstyle
Arwens flight to the ford braids

Rope braided disc bun

Scarf braids

I added my headband this time.

Historically inspired hairstyle and pet cuddles