How to take good hair pictures by yourself
I have a phone case, that makes it possible to place my phone in a standing position. It makes things easier while out and not finding anything to lean the phone against.
Preferably find a good shelf, get a phone holder for a mirror or a phone stand. You can also be creative and staple books, use a box or something else.
You also need to find a good distance. As long as you get visible details in your photo, it's better to stand too far, than too close to the camera. It's easy to "cut away" the extra backround on your phone.
For light hair, a darker bakground can make your hair pop out more. For darker hair, a light background can be better. Although thin hair will appear thicker, if you wear clothes in a similar colour, to your hair.
Sometimes the phone doesn't really want to focus on your hair.
A few things that you can do then, is to have good light and background. For example, my phone doesn't want to focus on my black hair against a dark background or if the light is too bad.
Antoher trick is to move further away from the camera (or sometimes closer).
New phones usually have better auto focus than older ones.
Length pictures
How heat styling affects the hair
I might get back to blogging more this year
My hair year
Christmas - Hair and outfits
Hair horns
Halloween is getting closer and I made myself horns
Just some unbrushed hair
Steam Punk fair
Medieval fair hairstyle
15 years of growing my hair
Although my hair would have been a lot longer if I would have taken as good care of it all the way, as I'm doing today. I have no regrets! I had a lot of fun trying different colors and doing stuff with my hair!