Time for a huge change

Sorry but this post is going to be long...
As some of you know, I've been a CO-washer (conditioner only), for 6,5 years. It has worked great for my hair and scalp. It's also been easy to wash my hair this way.
Before CO-washing and after one year of CO-washing.
But few are the condtiotioners that my hair have liked (less than five in my entire life and I'm 28) and I'm also picky when it comes to ingredients. The one that I've been using for many years is expensive and they've adjusted the prize even more. I've found another one that I like, but the prize and bottle size is the same. And obviously my hair has gotten longer over the years.
So while I only wash my hair once or twice a month, one bottle only lasts two washes and that ends up being a lot of money after all. A lot more than I'm willing to spend.
So I've been trying to make my own conditioner. Not the "natural" stuff, but a real conditioner. Finding good recepies are hard and modifying them to my hair is even harder.
So I've been thinking...
I've written a lot about natural hair washing and conditioning on my hair forum, spent many, many hours reading about it and I've been making my own deep conditioner for years.
So what would be the most logic and economic thing for me to do? I do know which ingredients that works for cleaning hair and which that conditions it. I do know a lot about what works for my hair and not. I've actually tried a few things like washing with fermented rice water before. I do know even more now than I did back then.
So I'm now going to experiment, until I find the right balance between clean and conditioned hair, using natural ingredients, like home picked herbs and Indian powders.
It's back to experimenting and while it might take some time, I think that it's going to be worth it and while failing a few or several time, might be frustrating, I will also enjoy it! Because this is the type of thing that I find fun and interesting. (Remind me of this if I try to crawl back to expensive conditioners in six months!)
I'll probably buy one bottle of conditioner to use for Cristmas if I haven't succeded by then, since it is the one day of the year that I wear my hair loose.
Would you be interested in posts about my experiments? If so, tell me, because otherwise I probably won't write about it until "I'm done" and have settled into a new routine.


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