Medieval fair
Today I was at a fair with a friend and I had a great time!

Top - Thrifted
Skirt - Made by me
Bag - Made by me
Necklace - Kristallrummet
Bracelets - Made by a friend
Shoes - From another fair

My friend braided my hair for me!

She did a great job!

The scrunchie is also made by me, from the same green fabric as my skirt.

Completely serious cave picture!

Another serious picture?

We strolled around and looked at a lot of beautiful things, but allt I bought was a coffe and a hairslide... I'm saving my money for next weeks viking fair!

I will sandpaper the wood and dye it darker with coffe.
Henna, indigo and the blog
I get a lot of questions about henna and indigo. So I've made two drafts that needs some correction and pictures. I will post them as soon as I'm done!
I'm also thinking about doing a hair FAQ, since I do get some questions a lot and a post about my hair care routine. Is this something you want to see and do you have any other questions?
I'll try to get back to blogging again, so please help keep me motivated and tell me what you wan to see here!
Yesterdays hair and clothes
Yesterday I wore a different version of my braided romatic updo for midsummer.

Another snood
I actually finished this a few months ago (two days after I started) and I've been wearing it a lot, but I never shared a picture.

I made a hairband from an old tank top

Quick and easy! Also alot cheaper than buying one and better for the environment.
I'll post a tutorial on how to do it during the next few days.