Happy new year!
Last hairstyle this year!

And since everyone seem to be comparing 2010 to 2019, I'll post two picture of the hairstyle that I wore the same day in 2010.

Any suggestions?
Yesterday I wrote a bit about my hair plans for 2020 and 2021. One goal is to learn new hairstyles.

Is there any style in particilar hairstyle that you would like me to try? It could be a bun, a historical hairstyle, something from a TV-show or a movie, or something else. Please come with suggestions!
"Hair plans" for 2020-2021
Is anyone surprised that I've already made some plans for my hair, for the next two years? Probably not.
Here's a "short" summarize:
Length and trims
I'll trim a little on Wednesday. Maybe a tiny bit during the summer. But I'll keep this to a minimum until I reach knee. Hopefully by the end of 2020. I just want to get there as quick as possible...
I'll of course keep up the S&D (search and destroy).
After that I'll microtrim to thicken up my hemline. That means that I'll still be growing it longer, but I'll trim maybe half of the growth, every other month or so, until I'm once again happy with my hemline. I'm counting on this taking all of 2021. After that I'm back to trimming twice a year.

I'll continue my search for a new washing routine that works fo my hair and doesn't empty my wallet.

I'll continue to learn new updos and perhaps invent a few of my own. I especially want to try more historical updos.
I'll also try to variate my updos as much as possible.

I'll make some more stuff for my hair. One thing high on the list is different types of snoods.
One year of growth including a trim

I'll trim a bit om Wednesday to start the year with fresh ends.
Today's hairstyle. 28/12-19 Neoma knot bun

Christmas hair X2 and outfit

I wore this outfit for Christmas celebrations with the inlaws yesterday. We celebrate the 24:th in Sweden.

And as usual, I wore my hair loose.

Today I wore a fishtail braid with a daenggi for "fika" with my family.
There's no word for fika in English, but It's like taking a coffee, only that it can be anything that isn't food or candy.
For example you can have cookies or cake. Tea, juice or coffee. We also take "fikaraster" = fika breaks in Sweden.
Merry Christmas!

Today's hairstyle. 23/12-19

What one does to take saunas...

Step one. Fill up a big bag of fire wood. Let your father move it with a machine. Move the wood with a weel barrow to the sauna.

Carry it inside.
I think that we're good for a while now! It's my fathers sauna by the way.
Now I just have to carry some water tomorrow. Then I can take a sauna and wash my hair.
Did I mention that my family's from Finland?
New hairtoy!
I bought this beautiful moon from Yevheniiashop!

I've been really busy, so this was just a quick test.

How beautiful isn't the box it came in!?
New hair fork!
Today's hairstyle. 12/12-19 Amish bun

Today's hairstyle. 06/12-19 Braided Neoma knot bun